Procedure for obtaining a certificate for returning to the Republic of Uzbekistan
The certificate for return to the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is issued by diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad (hereinafter referred to as consular offices) temporarily abroad, permanently registered citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and stateless persons in cases of loss, damage, seizure by competent authorities of a foreign country, theft, expiration, use of pages of a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan or a travel document of a person s nationality (hereinafter - the travel document), as well as in cases where the person has not been previously documented in the passport.
In order to receive the certificate, the applicant fills in the application form on the web site of the consular institution for confirmation of identity and attaches an electronic photograph to it.
To obtain a certificate, the applicant submits to the consular office the following documents:
Upon arrival in Uzbekistan, the person to whom the return certificate was issued, is obliged to hand over the certificate to the internal affairs bodies at the place of permanent residence for processing a new passport.
- completed, printed with a bar-code on paper and signed by the applicant application form in 3 copies;
- two color photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
IMPORTANT!!! The photo attached to the electronic application form must meet the following requirements:
- The photo size is 300 x 400 pixels (px);
- resolution not less than 96 dpi;
- JPEG file format;
- file size should not exceed 30 Kb;
- the distance between the pupils of the eyes should be equal to 90 pixels (px);
- the image should be sharp and sharp;
- the gaze of the person being photographed must be directed directly into the lens; / span>
- Neutral makeup, not distorting or greatly changing facial features; / span>
- brightness / contrast should be moderate;
- eyes are open and clearly visible, they should not be covered with hair;
- the face in the photo should be located in the center of the picture, strictly in full face, without glasses,
headgear and turns, or with the head tilted, the contours of the face should be clearly visible;
- the background should be uniform and bright, without spots, patterns and stripes;
- uniform illumination when shooting, no glare, lightened areas, sharp shadows and contrasts;
- the original travel document (in case of damage, expiration or use of pages);
- the original and a copy of the document issued by the competent authorities of the host country, confirming the seizure or theft of the travel document;
- as far as possible, a document issued by the competent authorities of the host country, confirming the loss of the travel document, a copy of the lost travel document and / or another document confirming the identity of the applicant, issued by authorized bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- a copy of the birth certificate and passports of the parents (for persons not previously documented by a passport);
- receipt of payment of the consular fee and collection for reimbursement of actual expenses.
The issuance of the certificate is carried out only after receiving the relevant confirmation of the competent authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The certificate is issued for a period of 1 month, in exceptional cases up to three months. The validity of the certificate can not be extended.
The certificate is issued for each person separately. Entry into the certificate of minor children is not allowed.
In the case of issuing a certificate in connection with the expiration, damage or use of pages of the travel document, the specified document must be submitted to the consulate.
When applying to the consular office of an applicant for a certificate in connection with the loss, seizure or theft of a travel document, his travel document is declared invalid even if the lost, seized or stolen travel document is found or returned .
Upon arrival in the Republic of Uzbekistan no later than 10 days after arrival, the applicant must hand in the certificate to the internal affairs bodies of the place of residence to obtain a new passport.
For issuing and issuing a certificate, a consular fee of $ 50 is charged and a fee for reimbursement of actual expenses of $ 5 (in the CIS countries) and $ 10 (in other countries).
Children under the age of 16 are exempt from paying a consular fee and a fee for processing and issuing a certificate.
Certificate not issued:
- foreign citizens;
- stateless persons who do not have a permanent residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- stateless persons who canceled their permanent registration in the Republic of Uzbekistan, due to their absence at the place of permanent registration for more than three years without good reason;
- persons who have left or lost citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
In the following cases, the applicant may also be refused a certificate of return to the Republic of Uzbekistan:
- message of knowingly false information about yourself or the falsity of the loss of a travel document;
- discrepancy of the documents handed over to the established requirements (incomplete list, incorrect filling).
Upon arrival in Uzbekistan, the person to whom the return certificate was issued, is obliged to hand over the certificate to the internal affairs bodies at the place of permanent residence for processing a new passport.