What is important for Uzbekistan in international and regional counter-terrorism cooperation

In today's challenging times, the fight against terrorism remains one of the most important tasks for the international community. In this context, the joint search for effective solutions to combat this dangerous phenomenon, which knows no borders, nationality, or religion, has become especially relevant.
It is noteworthy that recently, an integral part of the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been the creation of effective mechanisms for counter-terrorism cooperation. This cooperation aims to strengthen security, protect citizens, and combat extremism.
Uzbekistan is a participant in numerous international conventions and protocols related to the fight against terrorism. The country supports United Nations Security Council resolutions and actively participates in the work of relevant committees.
Recently, cooperation with specialized UN bodies, particularly with the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), has been developing very intensively.
A major boost to this cooperation came from the Tashkent High-Level Conference held in March 2022, initiated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was attended by foreign ministers from Central Asia, senior representatives from the UN, OSCE, SCO, CIS, EU, CICA, as well as officials and experts from international organizations in the region, including representatives from China, Russia, the US, France, and other countries. Over 400 participants from 46 countries and 29 international and regional organizations attended the conference.
During the event, an updated Joint Action Plan for the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the Tashkent Declaration were adopted. The Declaration was disseminated as an official document of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly. The Joint Plan, approved by all Central Asian countries and supported by the international community, significantly boosted regional efforts to counter terrorism.
It should be noted that Uzbekistan’s partnership with the UNOCT is not merely declarative, but is focused on practical outcomes. For example, in October 2022, Uzbekistan signed the first-ever “Roadmap” with the UNOCT.
As part of the implementation of this “Roadmap,” programs on cybersecurity and new technologies were launched in Central Asia, and a virtual network to counter cyberterrorism was established. Another important achievement was the launch of an early warning network in the field of counter-terrorism for Central Asia.
More than 10 national and regional events have been held, during which around 200 experts from the region have enhanced their qualifications.
All these measures have contributed to the growth of regional cooperation and laid the foundation for new mechanisms of interaction in the area of security.
To develop counter-terrorism capacity, particular attention is paid to forming sustainable contacts with key authoritative organizations.
On December 5, 2023, at the UN Headquarters in New York, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism and the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS).
The parties emphasized that ISRS became the first "think tank" in Central Asia and, alongside governments, joined the so-called "privileged partner group" with which the UN has signed cooperation agreements.
During the event, the parties also acknowledged that the Memorandum is a logical continuation of the effective partnership between ISRS and the UNOCT and will create a solid legal framework for bilateral cooperation.
The Memorandum outlines the key principles and areas of cooperation, including the exchange of publications and research information, the implementation of joint projects under the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, and the resolution of other mutually beneficial issues.
Today, ISRS, together with the UNOCT, has accumulated substantial experience in jointly implementing the UN Counter-Terrorism Agenda in the region. One example is the successful high-level international conference held in Tashkent in March 2022 on the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Central Asia.
In general, the parties noted that the signing of the Memorandum opens a new chapter in long-term and constructive cooperation between the UNOCT and ISRS in addressing the critical and current issue of combating terrorism in Central Asia.
This year, Uzbekistan has achieved significant progress in this direction. Building on previous experience, during the visit in May Under-Secretary-General of the UN Vladimir Voronkov, a new “Roadmap” for cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism for 2024-2025 was adopted.
Under this document, the UNOCT plans to support the active implementation of four global anti-terrorism programs by Central Asian countries. Special emphasis will be placed on the rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals returning from conflict zones.
In particular, on May 14, 2024, a high-level conference was held jointly with the UNOCT and the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) to launch the activities of the Central Asia Regional Expert Council, consisting of leading experts on the rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees.
The forum, with high-level representatives from Central Asia and international organizations, again demonstrated the significant level of consolidation among the countries of the region and their readiness to take joint responsibility for ensuring security.
Primarily, the establishment of the Regional Expert Council is a unique example of institutionalized regional cooperation, designed to enhance the effectiveness of joint efforts in the areas of repatriation and rehabilitation.
Positive results of joint efforts in this field are already evident. For example, on July 26, 2024, the first meeting of the working groups of the Regional Expert Council was held in an online format. Preliminary plans for the working groups for 2024-2025 and issues regarding the development of an informal regional network of practitioners in rehabilitation and reintegration were discussed.
The Expert Council has the potential to become a unique source of professional knowledge and methods. It can offer best practices in the field of reintegration and rehabilitation for individuals in difficult situations.
The signed "Roadmap" also emphasizes projects aimed at protecting vulnerable objects from terrorist threats, detecting, preventing, and countering the financing of terrorism, and using new technologies for terrorist purposes.
It is gratifying that today the experience of Central Asian countries in building counter-terrorism cooperation is considered exemplary and generates great interest from the international community, receiving comprehensive support from the UN.
This is facilitated by the joint implementation of the Joint Action Plan for the execution of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
Uzbekistan is actively involved in international and regional counter-terrorism cooperation, utilizing various approaches and initiatives to combat terrorist threats.
The country understands that success in this area depends on close cooperation both internationally and regionally, and continues to develop its initiatives aimed at ensuring security and stability in Central Asia and beyond.
Several key approaches stand out. First, the fight against terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that includes not only forceful methods but also social, economic, and political measures.
Second, Uzbekistan emphasizes the importance of multi-level interaction, including both bilateral and multilateral cooperation formats. This allows for an effective response to threats at different levels.
Third, an important aspect is the involvement of civil society and international organizations in the fight against extremism. Uzbekistan is actively working on initiatives aimed at training and educating the population.
Timur Akhmedov,
Head of the Department at the Institute
for Strategic and Regional Studies
under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan