I have brave people
491The decision of the head of our state to “widely celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the son of the famous Karakalpak poet and thinker Ajiniyaz Kosiboy” became a historical event in the spiritual, social, literary and cultural life of our New Uzbekistan.
Human capital development is the main task of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy
274The “Uzbekistan-2030” Strategy focuses on the creation of a modern education system in the country that meets international standards and promotes critical thinking, creative approach and professionalism.
Uzbekistan’s renewed electoral system a key factor in the advancement of representative democracy
419Over the years of independent development Uzbekistan firmly guided by the principles of universal, equal and direct suffrage in secret voting, has progressively implemented international electoral standards into its electoral legislation.
Uzbekistan’s open and constructive foreign policy is based primarily on national interests
230Uzbekistan’s foreign policy is based on the norms and principles of its Constitution, the laws “On the Basic Principles of Foreign Policy of Uzbekistan”, “On International Treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “On Defense”, the Military Doctrine, on the principles and objectives of the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, along with obligations arising from international treaties and agreements of the country, ratified by the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly).
CERR: IMF Estimates Uzbekistan's GDP at $101.6 Billion
370According to the IMF's assessment, the nominal GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023 increased by 125.6 trillion sums ($10.7 billion) and amounted to 1,192.2 trillion sums ($101.6 billion).
CERR hosted a discussion among experts and academics regarding a study conducted by the Statistics Agency in collaboration with the IMF. The primary goal of this study was to assess the size of the unobserved economy in Uzbekistan and examine its impact on other macroeconomic indicators.
How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations
384In Uzbekistan, electronic document management systems are being implemented, the range of public services is expanding, human resource management processes are being optimized, and a unified public sector ecosystem is being developed through integration and other measures.
The activities of the Parliament of the New Uzbekistan are important for the stable development of the country
335Today, the Uzbek legislature is taking active part in large-scale reforms aimed at building a welfare state, the rapid development of the national economy, ensuring the well-being of citizens, and the prosperity of multiethnic country.
Constitutional-legal reforms in Uzbekistan - guarantee for inviolability of private property
370In Uzbekistan more than 300 regulatory documents aimed at protecting property rights from illegal encroachments and ensuring the rights of owners have been adopted. At the same time, a number of organizational measures were implemented to improve the foundations of ensuring the privacy of private property.
How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan
437Labor force migration is a natural process worldwide. In Uzbekistan, purposeful work is being carried out to safely and orderly send such citizens abroad. The Agency for External Labor Migration has sent 70,000 people to developed countries for this purpose in the past two years.
Uzbekistan’s environmental initiatives are aimed at creating a healthy and sustainable environment in Central Asia
373Due to the Aral Sea tragedy, the negative consequences of climate change are more acute in Central Asia. The increase in air temperature in our region is twice the world average. The number of extremely hot days is expected to double and the area of glaciers will shrink by a third. In the last 30 years, the rate of warming in Central Asia is higher than the global average, and the average annual temperature has increased by 0.5 degrees. According to forecasts, the temperature is expected to increase by 2.0-5.7 degrees by 2085.